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Exercises with the exercise ball from easy to difficult

The exercise ball is a versatile training tool that can be used for a range of exercises to improve strength, balance and flexibility. It is an excellent tool for beginners and advanced exercisers as it challenges and stabilizes the body.

When introducing exercises with the exercise ball, you should start with simple movements to learn the correct technique and get a feel for the ball. Basic exercises can include sitting and balancing on the ball, which strengthens the core muscles. Advanced people can then move on to more complex exercises, such as push-ups or planks with the exercise ball.

It is important that you always maintain correct posture to avoid injury. The exercise ball should be selected according to your height to ensure that you can perform the exercises optimally.

Benefits of exercise ball exercises

Exercise ball exercises offer a variety of health and fitness benefits. They promote stability and balance, as training on the unstable ball requires the body to constantly adapt. This strengthens the deep muscles, especially those of the core. The improved core strength supports good posture and can prevent back pain.

The exercises are also easy on the joints and are therefore also suitable for people with joint problems or for rehabilitation after injuries. The versatility of the ball enables a comprehensive full-body workout that can improve both strength and flexibility. In addition, exercise ball exercises are easily modified to suit different fitness levels. They offer a fun change from traditional strength training. They also help to improve coordination and can be incorporated into an aerobic workout to promote heart health.

Dynamic sitting on the exercise ball

Dynamic sitting on an exercise ball not only promotes active movement during sitting time, but can also have a positive effect on strengthening the back muscles. By constantly balancing your own body position, the deep stabilizing muscles in particular, which are responsible for a healthy posture, are used. Movement on the ball also stimulates blood circulation and can lead to improved concentration as the brain is supplied with more oxygen.

It is important to make sure that the exercise ball is the right size to ensure an optimal sitting height. Regular breaks should also be taken to allow the body to recover. The integration of small exercises, such as rolling the ball or slight pelvic movements, can enhance the effect of dynamic sitting.

Warm-up exercises before exercising with the exercise ball

Warming up before exercising with an exercise ball is crucial to prepare the muscles and minimize the risk of injury. Therefore, start with light cardio-like movements, such as jogging on the spot or jumping rope, to increase the heart rate. Dynamic stretching exercises can then be performed to increase flexibility and activate the muscles. Examples include arm circles, hip rotations and lunges.

Then switch to specific exercises that target the parts of the body that are particularly stressed during training with the exercise ball. Balance exercises in which the exercise ball is used for stabilization are effective here. For example, practise light squats while wedging the ball between your back and a wall. Another of many exercises is the modified plank, also known as the forearm support. To do this, stabilize your hands on the ball and keep your body as straight as possible on the floor up to the tips of your toes. Breathing exercises at the end can help you get in the mood for your upcoming workout.

Exercise ball exercises for beginners

Exercise ball exercises are a great way to strengthen your core muscles and improve your balance. For beginners, it is recommended to start with basic exercises to get used to the instability of the ball. A simple exercise is ball sitting, where you sit on the ball and place your feet flat on the floor to keep your balance. A progression of this is to lift one leg while sitting on the ball to promote core stability.

Another beginner exercise is ball rolling, where you lie on your back on the ball, rest your hands on the floor and roll your hips forwards and backwards. Planks with the exercise ball are also effective, where you place your forearms on the ball and hold a stable plank position. These exercises should be performed slowly and with a focus on posture.

Exercises with the exercise ball for advanced users

Advanced exercise ball exercises promote stability, coordination and strength. A challenging workout can include the plank on the ball, where the forearms rest on the ball and the body forms a straight line. Vary this by alternating between a plank position and stretching the arms to increase the intensity.

Another effective exercise is the ball-pass Pilates exercise. This involves lying on your back, holding the ball between your legs and passing it from your legs to your hands in one fluid movement while lifting your torso and legs.

Russian twists (an exercise with twists) with the exercise ball are also useful for improving core stability. To do this, sit on the floor, lean back and hold the ball in the air in front of you with your arms outstretched. Then turn your upper body alternately to the left and right.

Doing squats with the ball against the wall strengthens your legs and glutes. The ball is positioned between the wall and your back and rolled during the squat.

Advanced users can also incorporate balance exercises in which one foot or the hands are placed on the ball while the rest of the body is held in a stable position. These exercises require and promote strong body control and balance skills.

What do I need to consider when choosing the right exercise ball?

When choosing the right exercise ball, it is important to pay attention to the size, material, resilience and surface quality. The size of the ball should be adapted to your height so that your knees form an angle of around 90 degrees when sitting. The material must be hard-wearing and free from harmful plasticizers. A high load-bearing capacity ensures safety during intensive use. The surface should be non-slip so that exercises can be performed safely. A pump can also be included in the accessories to bring the ball to the individually desired hardness level. High-quality workmanship and a GS mark for tested safety are also recommended.

Tips for training with the exercise ball at a glance

Exercises with an exercise ball are an effective way to strengthen the core muscles, improve balance and increase flexibility. The following tips will help you to optimize your training:

  1. Choose the right ball: An exercise ball should be adapted to your body size. When you are sitting, your hips and knees should form a 90-degree angle.
  2. Start with basic exercises: Learn simple exercises first to learn the correct technique and build up your muscles.
  3. Maintain balance: Focus on a stable posture to activate the deep muscles.
  4. Incorporate different variations: Vary the exercises to train different muscle groups and add variety to the workout.
  5. Pay attention to your breathing: Controlled breathing supports the execution of the movements and increases the effectiveness of the training.